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Leadership Fundamentals for Women with Disabilities

Women with disabilities experience a wide range of microaggressions that reflect both ableism and sexism. There is a prevalent assumption that women with disabilities are incapable of working, learning, taking on new challenges, or participating in events and activities with colleagues. This playlist helps unpack some of the most common biases women with disabilities face, as well as research-backed, actionable steps you can take to combat them. Each video is accompanied by a guide specific to the experiences of women with disabilities. The guide helps you discuss with your peers how best to navigate these challenges and thrive at work.

Women with disabilities experience a wide range of microaggressions that reflect both ableism and sexism. There is a prevalent–and totally unfair–assumption that women with disabilities are incapable of participating in events and activities with colleagues, or even engaging in paid work at all. While the burden should not be on women with disabilities to fix these problems, research shows that speaking up can make you feel more empowered. In this video, we share strategies for the most effective ways to push back against microaggressions, such as practicing self-care, asking questions, and reaching out to others who’ve had similar experiences for validation and support.

Each playlist is 7-to-9 months of curated content for women with shared experiences, career stages, or skill-building goals. We provide a kickoff guide to set the stage for your first Circle meeting, custom discussion guides for each video, and a Looking Back and Next Steps Guide after you complete the playlist (which is coming soon).

Download the accompanying Discussion Guide to explore this topic with your Lean In Circle.

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